Shift Your Focus – Create Change

by Doreen Polizzi on August 19, 2014

Finally some warmer weather has arrived! May was filled with memorable moments as well as some painful challenges. Since my mission is to help others with their challenges, it is important that I come from a place of complete honesty…. which is painful and at the same time very healing.

My nephew openly admitted he has a drug problem and has been trying to get clean on his own for a while but his attempts were based on deception. While he thought he could handle this alone, he realized after a number of failed attempts that he needed help.

Why am I writing about this? Addiction will impact every aspect of your life and the lives of your loved ones. Drug abuse in itself is a self-imposed limitation that will prevent you from living life to your full potential. The more I opened up about the drug addiction problem we faced as a family, the more I began to feel embraced with total love and support. I would have never-ever felt that unless I was completely open and honest about what was going on in my life. It has allowed me to experience a new sense of freedom and awareness that I want to share with you.

Railing 200x200I spent the week-end with my nephew before he left to enter a long-term rehab program and it was the beginning to a genuine healing time for us. We watched a movie together “Flight” with Denzel Washington and stayed up late talking about the movie. It was so pertinent to what he was dealing with. The next morning, we took a ride to my sacred space (Blue Point Beach). We walked along the shore and talked about finding a peaceful place. He got to witness me in a place where I am truly one with my spiritual self and my higher power. The most important thing that my nephew said that he felt is how much he is loved and that I did not judge him. I encouraged him to continue his journey and to keep looking to others who are there to support him along the way with positive energy. I believe that this experience is his entry point into living life to his full potential.

My message to you, is be honest with yourself and know that there are people who can help you through your journey. Think about the decisions and choices you are faced with. You may go through experiences in life where things happen that are not your fault, such as an illness or some other incident, but it is the decision and choice you ultimately make that can keep you stuck in a rut. When you learn to embrace the positive energy from others, you can tap into finding your own inner Rocky Spirit to move forward. This is exactly why I created The Secret to Surviving & Thriving. My soul’s purpose is to help you (or a loved one) overcome the challenges you are faced with
so you can achieve peace, serenity, health and wellbeing.

Let me help you to shift your focus to what is important in your life and create positive change. You deserve to feel good and be the best you can be. You can get started by scheduling a free Discovery Session with me at

I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free send me your comments and feedback to

Big hugs,

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